15 February 2008

Fashion Week

I don't get to do much at Fashion week any more (I used to cover it for a Japanese mag called Spur, which was the cause of much embarrassment when I was regularly misquoted as working for 'Sperm Magazine').
This was a different take on the catwalk, where a model appeared in near darkness and a dress was drawn on her in lasers. There was a whole list of technical problems: the distance from photographers to model, the pitch darkness, and that the laser design was being drawn incrementally, i.e. not all at once. So, even after handholding my long lens on a slow shutter speed (to allow enough of the lasers to register), I still had to crop into the image and wrestle the contrast to bring it out. This was the best of a bad bunch, and while still a long way from technically perfect, there's something about it I like. I enjoy fashion week in the same way I like doing live music, in that it can be very hit and miss, but with good lighting and a bit of luck you can get some dramatic photos.

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