1 May 2010

Sky HD

Oh, how we suffer for our art.
I was shooting portraits and background stills today of rugby player Lewis Moody while he filmed a piece for Sky HD. The piece was to demonstrate the clarity of HD TV, by showing a Lewis tackle from an opponents point of view. Poor Lewis had to make repeated runs and tackles under a bitterly cold rain machine, wearing a variety of HD cameras filming his face and feet as he ran. (On a geek note, I noticed that Sky used a Canon SLR 7D to film a lot of the scene, so the video capability of cameras like my 5D really are up to scratch.) The heavy backlighting and rain made my job difficult, trying to focus on a fast moving Lewis through the bright mist while avoiding flare from the lights, but luckily he made enough runs for me to get what I needed.
After all the tackling, I had to get a close up portrait of Lewis' 'psyche-out' stare for Metro. The poor fella was so cold by this point that me keeping him from the warm for an extra five minutes put genuine hatred in those eyes. If it's any consolation to him, I only had a thin linen jacket on for protection, and was soaked and shivering too. As Billy Connoly said "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices."

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