27 June 2009

Window of Opportunity

After keeping all the photographers on tenterhooks all day at Glastonbury, dangling the carrot of 'maybe we'll let you in to shoot Bruce Bringsteen, oooooooooor maybe we won't' - Brucie's people finally gave a list of the hallowed few 5 mins before we were due in the pit (I wasn't on the list, but managed to get in with a bit of secret squirrel). When we got into the pit, we were told we'd have to shoot from the sides of the pit. As you can see from the pic above, we were miles away from him, with stairs, TV camera jibs and numpty security men who kept standing right in front of us. I've marked on the pic with a box the actual area where we had a clear sight of Brucie boy. Wow. There'll be a lot of keepers out of that set. The guys who weren't on the list and who went into the crowd on ladders cleaned up, because after our 3 song limit, Brucie came out and ran up and down the barrier, right in from of them.
'F*ckwit of the festival' goes to whoever in Brucie's camp thought they could control pictures by restricting who got in and then restricting where even that golden few could shoot from. All they did was push all the other photographers into the crowd, where they couldn't exercise any control over them at all.
This was one of only a few usable shots out of my time there. I almost wish I hadn't bothered.

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