20 January 2009


Where better to watch the Obama inauguration than TGI Friday's?

14 January 2009


To launch their new VAIO P-Series laptops, and to demonstrate it’s mobile capabilities, Sony took a load of journo’s to Paris on the Eurostar. I’d just unwrapped my shiny new Canon 5D mkII camera, and this was it’s first outing. I wanted to experiment with alternating between shooting stills and video on the same camera, and I have to say I’m quite impressed with it’s ease of use and video quality (the 60mb still images aren’t bad either!).

6 January 2009

First day back

The first day back at work after Christmas is never a pleasure - though it’s made easier when you’ve got a buxom actress like Gemma Bissix doing press-up’s in front of you.
I’ve had worse days.