24 May 2006

From the sublime to the ridiculous

Halle Berry & Borat (aka Sasha Baron Cohen) at Cannes.

Travelling Light

I can't do it. I can't just pack my gear and go to bed.
I have to potter around all night checking I've got everything, then I realise I've only got an hour or so until the taxi arrives, and it's not worth going to bed. So when I arrive at the Cannes Film festival I'm knackered before I've taken a frame!
Here's all the equipment I took. Cameras, lenses, laptop, video, tripod, chargers, step, tuxedo...
I was expecting an excess baggage charge at the Airport, but when they weighed my bag they told me it over the Health and Safety limit of what the baggage handlers could lift. - And that was WITHOUT all the heavy cameras, lenses and laptop, which went on as hand luggage!

5 May 2006

The Big Cheese

To celebrate National Cheese on Toast Day (no, I didn't know there was one either!), Macmillan Cancer Support made an attempt at creating the world's largest cheese on toast.
Problem: if it's so big, how are you going to grill it?
Solution: get a fire eater to blow flames across. Duh, obviously.

And here's me with a Mouse's head on. I'm starting to think there's a theme here.


Last weekend I covered Carling Live 24. I had to snap 19 bands, at 8 venues, in 24 hours! This years CL24 ran from 7pm-7pm, which meant that I'd been up all day before I started (I had marked in my diary 'afternoon nap' - but it never happened). By the end of the gigs I'd been up for 39 hours straight. I had 2 beers to celebrate, which went straight to my head, then promptly fell asleep on the tube and woke up at the end of the line. Amazingly I still had all my equipment with me.
Oh, and someone poured a pint of beer over my 70-200 lens to boot.
My highlights from the gigs were Dirty Pretty Things (singer Carl Barat above), and the Cuban Brothers, who are heroes for putting a smile on my face at 3 o'clock in the morning!